Tim Scott

Credentials: he/him/his

Position title: Academic Advisor

Tim Scott profile picture

About Tim:

Tim grew up in Detroit, MI, but has lived on both coasts and for several years in Paris. While an undergrad., he played basketball for a year at the University of Dallas. Prior to working as an academic advisor here, he was a fiction writing fellow in the Creative Writing Department, and, before that, worked for many years in academic and study abroad advising at USC in Los Angeles. Outside of work, he likes to spend time with his amazing wife, Kristen, a fifth grade teacher at Nuestro Mundo Community School, and his two children, Micah and Tobias. He also writes fiction.

Education Background:

MFA, Fiction Writing (New York University)
MFA, Screenwriting (University of Southern California)
BA, majors in English and French (University of Michigan)